※9/4(土)更新: メンバーに発熱者が出たため、大事をとって開催延期します。9月中に日程変更して開催予定ですので、日程決まり次第またご案内いたします。
― ボーカル・ドラムを加えたスペシャルなサックスカルテットが、世界の名曲たちを独自のアレンジで演奏! ―
■Date: 2021.9.5 (sun) ⇒9月中に延期開催予定(またご案内します)。
■Time: 13:00~(12:30開場)
■Players:佐藤絵美里、武藤浩司、米田あゆ、在間一輝 (sax)、窪龍樹 (drums)、桑原睦実 (vocal)
■Music Charge: 一般¥2500・学生¥1500
■Reservation: 100BANホール(078-331-1728, hall(a)100ban.jp)までご連絡下さい。
【Live Streaming & Archive のご案内】
We are streaming the concert for the people who cannot attend but wishing to enjoy the show. This is a streaming with high-quality sound and will be archived until Sep.19th(sun, JST).
Please purchase your ticket from the ticketing website below and the streaming URL will be sent to your email address about an hour before the show starts.
配信チケット販売サイト (Passmarket)
<注意事項 / precautions>
*Live streaming tickets are available until Sep.5th(sun) 12:00pm (JST).
*The show will be archived and available until Sep.19(sun, JST).
*Due to the limitation of the technologies available to us, there is a possibility that the video / audio being delivered may be delayed or disturbed, and in the worst case, it may not be delivered successfully. If you cannot watch the streaming comfortably in real time, please watch the archive later. We apologize any inconveniences in such cases.